Code Number: 684.06
In order to be considered a full-time general education student in the District, each high school student shall schedule a minimum of five (5) academic courses per semester that count toward the GPA.
Courses designated as Post Secondary Enrollment Option or 28E courses may be scheduled as part of the required five (5) academic high school courses defining a full-time student.
Students who wish to add additional classes to their schedule must do so prior to the tenth day of school in each semester enrolled. Students shall be allowed to drop a class up to the end of the tenth school day of the first or second semester without credit or grade penalty. Students dropping a class after the tenth school day of the first or second semester will receive a failing semester grade. No class will be dropped without the permission of the parent/guardian and the Building Administrator or his/her designee.
The Building Administrator may grant exceptions to this policy.
First Adoption:
Revision Adoption:
December 18, 2006/ June 16, 2008/ September 8, 2008/ November 14, 2011/ June 27, 2016/ September 13, 2021
Reviewed Dates:
August 17, 2021
Legal Reference:
Iowa Code § 279.8