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The Sioux City Community School District offers a limited number of musical instruments for student use. The fee for the use of a district-issued musical instrument is $35 per semester or $70 for the school year. The music instrument fee provides percussion students access to all concert, marching, jazz, and pep band percussion equipment. These fees are applicable for each student who receives a district-issued musical instrument.

If a district-issued musical instrument requires repair or experiences operational challenges, the school music director must be notified immediately. Due to regular use and normal wear, district-issued musical instruments require regular maintenance and occasional repairs. Proper instrument care must be taken by each student as repairs are costly and time-consuming.

In the event a district-issued musical instrument is damaged or lost, families agree to pay for the damages or replace the lost instrument. Damage can include but is not limited to dropping an instrument, an instrument colliding with another object, lack of proper maintenance, negligence (e.g., leaving the instrument in a vehicle in the hot sun), or vandalism.

Instruments must be returned to the school music director before the end of the school year or upon request from the school music director or Sioux City Community School District.