The Sioux City Community School District provides technology for educational use by students. The purpose of such access is to assist the District in meeting its educational mission, goals, and objectives. Technology may include, but is not limited to, computers and other devices, e-mail, software, and the internet. Technology shall be used for curriculum support purposes only. It is the policy of the District that all technology services shall be used in a responsible, efficient, ethical and legal manner in compliance with all other District policies.
No person shall access the District network with non-District hardware without the approval of the technology department. Non-District hardware includes but is not limited to, personal computers (laptop or desktop), tablets, wireless access devices, cell phones, and handheld devices.
The use of District technology is a privilege, not a right, and may be revoked with or without notice and with or without cause at the discretion of the District. Failure to follow processes and procedures or abuse of resources may result in loss of privileges and possible disciplinary action.
The District makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the service it is providing. The District will not be responsible for any damages the user suffers. This includes loss of data resulting from delays or other service interruptions caused by either the District or users own negligence, errors or omissions. Use of any information obtained via the District network is at the users own risk.
Users should not expect that files stored on District supplied resources or school-based computers will be private. Electronic messages, network activities, and files may be reviewed to maintain system performance, integrity, to ensure that users are acting responsibly, and for any other purpose at the discretion of the District.
Access to the District’s network is provided via an assigned user ID and password for students in certain grades. It is the responsibility of the student to maintain the privacy of their password. Use of District information technology systems implies consent to monitoring for such purposes.
Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) and Internet Safety
The Board believes that the internet can be a valuable educational tool that enables students to explore thousands of libraries, databases, bulletin boards, and other resources. However, families should be aware that some material accessible via the Internet may contain information that is illegal, defamatory, inaccurate, or potentially offensive.
State and federal mandates require schools to restrict access to certain information on the internet and comply with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA). The District will use technology protection measures to protect students from inappropriate access, including sites that include obscenity, child pornography or are harmful to minors. Parents, however, should be aware that in spite of District safeguards, a student may still find ways, intentionally or unintentionally, to access inappropriate material. The District will monitor the online activities of students and will educate students about appropriate online behavior, including interacting on social networking sites and chat rooms. Students will also be educated on cyberbullying, including awareness and response. Employees will provide age-appropriate training for students who use the Internet. The training provided is designed to promote the District’s commitment to:
The standards and acceptable use of Internet services as set forth in this policy.
Student safety with regard to: safety on the Internet; appropriate behavior while online in social networking websites and/or chat rooms; and cyberbullying awareness and response.
Compliance with the E-Rate requirements of the Children’s Internet Protection Act.
The Board believes that all technology is a valuable part of the total program in that they promote educational excellence. At the same time, the Board believes that access to these services entails responsibility and that all computer services shall be used in a responsible, efficient, ethical and legal manner. General school rules for behavior apply.
The following uses of school-provided technology are not permitted:
To access, upload, download, or distribute pornographic, obscene, or sexually explicit material;
To transmit obscene, abusive, sexually explicit, or threatening language;
To violate any local, state, or federal statute;
To use technology to degrade, harass, or bully others;
To vandalize, damage, or disable the property of another individual or organization;
To access another individual’s materials, information, or files without permission;
To access non-approved Internet gaming sites;
To access non-approved social media sites;
To use instant messaging not approved by the District;
To access non-approved streaming audio or video sites;
To use non-District hardware or devices on the District network;
To install any unauthorized software;
To install or remove any computer hardware components from District computers (e.g. memory, optical drives, etc.);
To violate copyright or otherwise use the intellectual property of another individual or organization without permission;
To engage any other inappropriate uses as determined by the District;
To use proxy software to bypass District filters; and
To connect to wireless access points not supported by the District.
Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) applies to the online collection of personal information by persons or entities under U.S. jurisdiction about children under 13 years of age or children with disabilities. Students will access educational websites (hosted by the District or third party organizations) that may ask for “personal information” such as their name, email address or screen name. By accepting the Student/Parent Handbook, you acknowledge that your student may access these educational websites that may collect personal information. Each of these sites has a privacy policy that protects students’ information and states that they will not provide information about the students to any other party. To comply with COPPA, the District maintains a list of those websites. Because that list can change as teachers and administrators identify resources to support student achievement, that list can be requested from the technology department.
Students at certain grade levels will be issued a District-provided email account. District-provided student email will be used solely for school-related work, activities, and functions; any other use is strictly prohibited. All Prohibited Uses outlined for the Internet above apply to the use of District-provided student email accounts. Additionally, the following guidelines apply to students’ use of a District-provided email account:
Students are responsible for keeping passwords private. Passwords must not be shared with anyone other than the student’s parent, a teacher, or the District’s technology department. Passwords must never be sent to anyone via email.
Students shall not disclose personal information such as their social security number or other sensitive or confidential information about themselves or others.
If a student receives any email that contains inappropriate content or that the student believes violates the Prohibited Uses policy, the student must notify a teacher, principal, or parent immediately.
Any form of cyberbullying or harassment will not be tolerated. If a student believes they (or another student) are the victim of cyberbullying or harassment it should be immediately reported to a teacher or principal. All reports of cyberbullying or harassment will be investigated by the District.
Students must not use District-provided student email to forward chain letters or other inappropriate material as outlined in the previous section.
File Storage on District Network
Students in certain grades will be granted access to District file servers to store coursework and related educational content. That content is stored in systems that support the various content used throughout the curriculum. Back-up of those files varies by the service and is not guaranteed by the District. Continued abuses of file storage may result in loss of network privileges and other appropriate discipline.
One-to-One Student Device Program
The District is working to provide devices for each student in the District. This device is the property of the District but will remain in the student’s possession throughout the school year. Students will be required to use the device for various class and curriculum activities. All appropriate use policies for technology use apply. Students will be required to follow policies and procedures highlighted in the acceptable use agreement. Devices that are lost or maliciously damaged will result in a fine as noted in the curriculum resources fees section of this document.
Student Device Program Acceptable Use Agreement
Students of the Sioux City Community School District (SCCSD) must follow these responsible citizenship guidelines:
I will respect myself by considering the quality and nature of the information and images I access or post online.
I will be an ethical person and not attempt to bypass blocked sites or the District’s filter.
I will protect myself by not sharing any of my passwords and not publishing my personal information over the Internet.
I will respect others by not using the school-provided laptop to bully, cyberbully, or harass other people.
I will protect others by telling a teacher, principal, or staff member if I see threatening, inappropriate, or harmful content online, if I receive an inappropriate email, or if I am a victim of cyberbullying or harassment.
I will respect intellectual property by citing materials I use and by not accessing illegally obtained games, software, music, videos, papers/ other schoolwork, etc. I will not attempt to access other’s resources or information, especially those owned by other students, teachers, and administrators.
I will use all SCCSD technology resources for educational purposes in a manner consistent with Board policies, especially the Student Code of Conduct, and abide by all local, state, and federal laws.
I will respect the District’s devices and not act in a malicious, disruptive or harmful manner to the District’s computers, electronic devices, network, and/or Internet services, including but not limited to, hacking activities and creation/uploading of computer viruses.
The Sioux City Community School District (“SCCSD”) owns this device and all associated peripherals. The device is checked out to the student for educational purposes. When a student checks out a device, he/she agrees to the following:
I will take care of the device by keeping it clean of dust, dirt, and foreign objects (stickers, ink, etc.). I will not get the device wet, leave it outdoors, use it with food or drink nearby, store it in a car (due to extreme temperatures), intentionally scratch, chip, bend or otherwise deface it, poke the screen, place anything heavy on it, place anything on the keyboard before closing the lid, slam the lid, or carry it by the lid/screen.
I will respect others by applying these same guidelines to their devices.
I will keep the device and power adapter/cord in my possession at all times. I will not loan them to another student or leave them in an unsupervised area.
I will report loss/theft of a device to the helpdesk within 24 hours.
I will take the device to the library helpdesk for all repairs/malfunctions and not attempt to perform any of the following actions: format or reload the hard drive, disassemble, add or remove hardware components, or install software (unless directed by District staff).
I agree to return the device to the library before I leave the SCCSD or if I transfer schools within the District. If I do not return the device, I understand it will be considered lost.
I agree to pay the following costs to the SCCSD if the device and/or power adapter/cord are damaged, lost, or stolen:
Damage: Reduced access to the internet and possible cost of the damage
Lost, Stolen, or Intentionally Damaged: Laptop: $250 || Power adapter/cord: $20
Student Procedure for the Non-Directed Use of the Internet
Subject to this policy and monitored by the District, all students will be granted independent use of the District’s link to the Internet unless the District is notified by a parent or guardian in accordance with the District’s Opt-Out procedure.
Annually, if a parent or guardian of a student wants to opt out of the independent use of the Internet for the forthcoming school year, they must submit an Internet Opt-Out Form (located on the District website under “Our District,” “District Forms”) signed by the parent/guardian notifying building administrators that the parent/guardian does not want his or her child to independently use the Internet. These forms will be kept in the office with the Student Permanent Record and building staff will be notified. The “opt-out” election does not apply to classroom instruction where teachers will suggest appropriate sites and supervise the use of the Internet as a direct part of the curriculum.
Social Media Use Within the District
The District notifies all parents of current students in the official student handbook that students may have their photographs or video images displayed on the official District website (www.siouxcityschools.org) or in the media in furtherance of the District’s educational mission. Student photographs or video images may also be posted on the District’s Facebook or other social media sites.
The District reserves the right to remove fans/followers from its social media sites for any lawful reason including, without limitation, content that violates District policy. The District may amend this social media policy at any time and it is the fans’/followers’ responsibility to review changes to this policy. By participating on the District’s social media sites, depending on your personal account and privacy settings, you may be subject to having your profile picture, name and comments visible to the public. The District does not take responsibility for such actions.
Disciplinary Actions
Violations of any appropriate use policies for technology are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion from school. To ensure that the use of the District’s information system and other electronic communications systems or equipment is consistent with the District’s educational and legitimate business interests, authorized representatives of the District may monitor the use of such equipment.